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Orders to Schedule (V1.0)
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Orders To Schedule
Used to view all orders that need scheduling
Allows orders to be scheduled immediately or in a "batch" mode
Allows the ability to print Barcodes to provide an interface for other software
Planner ID
Click the drop down to choose planner ID
The screen will refresh to show all orders for specified planner id
If a column heading is underlined this is an indication that this column can be sorted.
To sort just click the column heading
Click "Edit" to schedule the line for "batch" processing
This will send the update to "SAM" on the "Next Scheduled Run Time" (see Date/Time in the upper right corner of the screen)
Click the Edit button
Enter a date in the Sch. Date field
Click the Update button
Click on Date to schedule order immediately
Only use this if you need to schedule immediatly.
This will also show the following changes to the line
New Need by Date
New Ship by Date
Qty change
Click on "Part Num" (Time Phase Inquiry)
A new page showing all demand for the part
Click on "Sales Order"
View Sales Order detail and order history
Print BarCode Report
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